Friday, January 25, 2013

Adele's top 5 Heart Ache Songs

5) Set Fire to the Rain

  •  The part of this song that catches my attention the most would be the lyrics. "I set fire to the rain and watch it pour as I touched your face." She illustrates her lyrics very well making them seem so life like. Even though they aren't my absolute favorite lyrics to listen to, they do portray that visual image in the listener's eyes. Another quality of this song that stands out is the beat and the use of the background. It is very different and draws you in right away. It is definitely worth a listen.
  • Even though Set Fire to the Rain is a very enjoyable yet different song from the bunch I would put it fifth on my list for her album because it lacks the connection value that the top three contain. It is a good song, don't get me wrong, but I am just a critic who prefers the songs with that hidden sentimental meaning and value.

4) Rolling In The Deep

  • Unlike the other three hit singles in her album, Rolling In The Deep contains the same message, but not with the slow, sentimental texture like done before. She portrays this heartbreak by saying they could have had it all, but the guy basically played with her heart. In this song Adele does go back to her belting. Out of the many things I admire Adele for is that I give her so much praise on her belting. Most artist have a not so pleasing tone quality when using their belt voice and it almost sounds like they will hurt themselves, but she makes it so pure and rich, especially in this song.
  • Rolling In The Deep is another great song written and performed by Adele, however, it does not stand out as much as the rest do. It had a good beat, sound quality, and even texture but I think the idea that draws me away from this song a little bit more that the others would be the receptivity. This song came out about a year or two ago and unlike the rest it is over played making the listeners just tired and bored if heard again.

 3) Take It All

  • The story behind Take It All is actually about Adele's ex and in one of her videos she explains how it is one of the most emotional songs for her to perform. Adele is known for her big voice and belting, but with this song she stays in half of her chest voice and a very subtle head voice. She has a nice blend of both; it makes the song have more meaning and feeling when this mixture is done correctly. Her lyrics are so real and i feel that if they were just read as a poem, they could still have so much meaning and value.
  •  Adele is one of the few artists that I can say makes each of her songs real and have a meaning leaving her listeners with something sentimental. This would have to be her most emotional song and the listener can tell with just the timbre and tone quality of her voice that she is pouring out her heart to her fans and telling them a personnel story. I could tie this with Don't You Remember, but that song still speaks to me more, however, this single is just gorgeous.

 2) Turning Tables

  • There are always the relationships where there is the constant fighting until one day each person says they can't do it anymore. In Turning Tables Adele is giving the message that if fighting is an everyday thing, then it's not worth it. It will hurt, but in the end you'll be better off. Do you want to keep the war or finally let go?
  • Just like Don't You Remember, this song also contains true and meaningful lyrics that many people, mostly teenage girls and elder woman, can relate to. She starts the song by saying that the fighting isn't making anyone stronger and ends it by saying it will be okay. This is another one of those few songs that can speak to the listener.

 1) Don't You Remember

  • Don't You Remember explains the hardship of losing someone very dear to you. Just imagine having someone you love and care about dearly with you all the time and one day that happiness was gone without even a single goodbye. In this single and one of my personal favorites, she tells the story of going through a life without the one person that meant the most.
  • Not many songs have lyrics that mean anything anymore, however, with this song there is feeling and meaning and can get anyone emotional with just one listen. This is one of the few songs that I hear from any artist that uses so much depth and emotion to make a piece the way it is. It is definitely her best single yet. 

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